ARKWORK action working group 2 is holding a 5-day training school on the topic of archaeological collections in a digital environment in Sarajevo from 17-21 September 2018. The school is hosted by International Burch University located at Ilidza, suburb of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (

During the training school led by international experts, participants from 17 different countries study processes of creating, organising, managing and exploring archaeological collections in a digital environment, and learn how to examine, evaluate and use different state-of-the art methods and tools to work with archaeological collections. They examine how archaeologists create digital objects and documents in different contexts, how they integrate these diverse and scattered knowledge sources, and how these insights can be used to inform the development of the state-of-the-art and practical management of the work with archaeological collections. They also get hands-on experience in using software tools for the analysis of digital archaeological collections. Finally, the participants examine how this archaeological knowledge work can be disseminated to different stakeholder groups.

Preliminary program


Day Date Activity
Monday 17.09.2018 Introduction; Trainees’ research interests and topics
Tuesday 18.09.2018 Documentation practices in digital environment; Museum visit
Wednesday 19.09.2018 Archaeological knowledge organisation in dig. env.; Museum visit
Thursday 20.09.2018 Archaeological knowledge production from digital data; Museum visit
Friday 21.09.2018 Final discussions; Conclusion


Saturday, 22.09.2018 – Optional excursion to Radimlja, Stolac