Talking archaeology: qualitative interviewing and focus group research in archaeology-related communities
Edited by Costis Dallas (University of Toronto & Athena Research Centre) and Ingrida Kelpšienė (Vilnius University)
We invite contributions to a JCAH special Issue on “Talking archaeology: qualitative interviewing and focus group research in archaeology-related communities”. We hope that these papers will provide a springboard for yet more qualitative research of this type (especially but not exclusively in the digital environment). We also hope to encourage new insights on the implications of such research on the meaning and impact of archaeology.
- We welcome methodological approaches, theoretical reflections, and substantive discovery research on the opportunities and challenges that emerge from qualitative interviewing, life histories, focus group research, narrative analysis, conversation analysis, content analysis, ethnography, and discourse analysis.
- Work may draw from stories, sayings, conversations, and testimonies by participants in practices drawing from or related to archaeology. We are especially interested in projects which have developed outside academic archaeological research and institutional policy and management work, and in contributions by those who might offer perspectives from outside Europe.
- We will consider submissions with diverse epistemological, geographical, and theoretical orientations, ranging from formal analysis of qualitative data to critical, phenomenological, ethnographic, and arts-based approaches, as long as they draw from sayings or conversations related to archaeology with members of relevant communities.
- Manuscripts submitted for this special issue should adhere to the general guidelines of the Journal for Community Archaeology and Heritage with regard to authorial voice, structure, referencing and formatting: .
The guidelines also include links to an EndNote output style for the JCAH house style, as well as a style guide, a reference style guide, and a Word template.
- Submission of manuscripts (4-7,000 words, with 150 words abstract): 15 October 2019
- Publication: Print publication will depend the time required to review, revise, and finalize each paper and complete the collection. However, every individual paper will be published ‘Online First’ as soon as it is typeset. At this point it will be considered ‘final’, and thus be available for each author to share, use in CVs, etc.
By teaming up with the Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage, we will reach a broad range of authors and will serve an interested readership, by focusing attention (for the first time in such a format) on qualitative human research on ”talk and conversation” with archaeology-related communities.