This free event provides an opportunity for those interested in heritage to learn about tech collaborations and also allows for networking opportunities. It is hosted by Microsoft Ireland and organised by the COST ARKWORK COST Action in collaboration with UCD School Of Information And Communication Studies (ICS). Registrations through EventBrite.
10am-10:30am Registration (tea and coffee)
10:30am-11:30am Keynote
Tim Keefe, Head of Digital at Chester Beatty Museum
11:30-1pm Experiences with collaboration in different environments
This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about different collaborative experiences available. It will involve a panel that will speak about their collaborative experiences and their lessons learned from the experience.
1pm-2pm Lunch
2pm-3:30pm Funding collaborative work in technology, archaeology, and heritage
This session will provide information about how to fund collaborative projects from grantors/funders as well as how different industries go about funding external collaborative work.
3:30-4pm Break (tea and coffee)
4pm-5pm Heritage collaboration opportunities with Microsoft
This session will include invited speakers from Microsoft Ireland, our host.
Friday 17 January 2020
10am-10:30am Registration (tea and coffee)
10:30am-12:00pm Providing feedback: interactive data collection about tech collaboration
This session will allow participants to engage in discussions about collaborative experiences.
12-1:30pm Brainstorming new avenues for collaboration with tech the archaeology and heritage sector
Using an open format, this session will allow attendees to brainstorm potential avenues for collaboration in the heritage sector. it will allow attendees to network with each other about potential future projects. Discussions can continue over lunch.
1pm-2pm Lunch
The easiest way to get to Microsoft Ireland in Sandyford is to take the green Luas line toward Brides Glen (south) and get off at the Central Park stop. From there, it is about a 10 minute walk.
There are a few hotels around Microsoft in Sandyford, you could stay in Dublin city centre, or somewhere along the LUAS green line. If staying in city centre, one can get to Microsoft Ireland using the green line LUAS in about 45 minutes. You might also be able to find hotels in Dundrum, which is closer to Microsoft and south of city centre.