Session organised at the CHNT22 conference in Vienna on Thursday Nov 9, 2017. Chairs: Suvi DEBENJAK, Austria; Isto HUVILA, Sweden; Peter TÓTH, Slovakia.
09:00 – 09:20 | Suvi DEBENJAK, Austria | Isto HUVILA, Sweden | Peter TÓTH, Slovakia: Reflections and research on archaeological practices in the digital era – introduction
09:20 – 09:40 | Takehiko NAGAKURA | Rachelle VILLALON | Wenzhe PENG | Diego Cornejo BARRA, USA: Capturing with Community: An Online Collaboration Approach for Cultural Heritage Practice
09:40 – 10:00 | Sander MÜNSTER, Germany: A community on digital cultural heritage
10:00 – 10:20 | Martina POLIG | S.C. PHILLIPS | S. MODAFFERI | S. HERMON | L. DORST | M. SPAGNUOLO | C.E. CATALANO | D. OLDMANN | D. TANASE | A. TAL, I. SHIMSHONI, Cyprus: GRAVITATE – a platform for the re-unification, re-association and re-assembly of Cultural Heritage artefacts
10:20 – 10:40 | Mieke PFARR-HARFST | Marc GRELLERT | Marco SILVESTRI | Eva-Maria SENG, Germany: Digital 2D and 3D visualisation technologies as research and dissemination tool in Cultural Heritage
10:40 – 11:00 | COFFEE BREAK
11:00 – 11:20 | Damien VURPILLOT | Matthieu THIVET | Quentin VERRIEZ, France: Aspectus: a flexible collaboration tool for multimodal and multiscalar 3D data exploitation
11:20 – 11:40 | Pamela JORDAN, Germany: Binaural recording in archaeological site research – a case study
11:40 – 12:00 | Rowin VAN LANEN | Bert GROENEWOUDT, The Netherlands: Travelling through the centuries. Roman and early-medieval long-distance transport routes as an indication for the potential of large-scale multi-proxy approaches
12:00 – 12:20 | Filippo DIARA, Italy: State of conservation analysis using remote sensing post processing techniques: the example of early medieval low relief in SS. Assunta e S. Bartolomeo church in Badia Prataglia, Tuscany
12:20 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 14:20 | Julian BOGDANI, Italy: PAThs: putting together Digital Humanities and Archaeology to reconstruct Late Antique and Early Medieval Egyptian landscape
14:20 – 14:40 | Baya BENNOUI LADRAA | Youcef CHENNAOUI, Algeria: Use of photogrammetry for Digital Surveying, documentation and communication of the cultural heritage. Exemple regarding virtual reconstruction of the ruins of a temple in Tipasa
14:40 – 15:00 | Davide TANASI | F.M. MILOTTA | I. GRADANTE | F. STANCO | H. KAPLAN, USA: 3D digital imaging for study and semi-automatic matching of ancient Sicilian bronze seals
15:00 – 15:20 | Sandro PARRINELLO | Daniele BURSICH, Italy: 3D Documentation for the study of the UNESCO site of Masada: methodologies and applied research for the analysis of Roman fields
The use of digital methods and tools in archaeology and heritage, whether for documentation, prospection, analysis, visualization and presentation purposes, has increased tremendously during the last decade. There is an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation with digital data standing in the centre of research. However, in contrast to the amount of practical and scholarly work that has been devoted to developing and appropriating techniques and methods, there is relatively little research on how digital information, tools and infrastructures are used and what is their impact on research and practice in archaeology and heritage field. Important questions that need to be answered are how digital data is used for assessing the archaeological record or for statistical analysis. It is vital to reflect on the methods with which the historical data is being used and on the impact that these methods have on the archaeological work. A better understanding of these archaeological and heritage practices both through empirical and theoretical research on on-going and past projects, and accounts and methods for assessing and reflecting on practical work is a key to a sustainable development and use of new, innovative and useful digital approaches in the heritage field.
The session brings together papers studying and highlighting archaeological and heritage practices, interdisciplinarity, knowledge production and use, and their impact on digital scholarship and practices in the cultural heritage sector. Papers can focus on the study of methods in digital work in a broad range of contexts from archaeological fieldwork and collections-based research and stewardship of archaeological and heritage data to scholarship, and archaeological and heritage practices involving local knowledge and global communities. This session invites contributions from both researchers and practitioners conducting theoretical and empirical research and practical projects that provide new knowledge and perspectives to the topic.
The session is organised by the COST Action “Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment” (http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15201).